Old pictures and photographies

Old pictures and photographies of Erjavčeva mountain hut

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Old pictures and photographies

Old pictures and photographies

Old pictures and photographies

At Erjavčeva mountain hut, we have started collecting an archive of old photographs of Erjavec Lodge and its surroundings of Triglav National Park. Since its establishment in 1901, quite a collection of them has accumulated.

In the desire to create an archive of old photographs, we call upon anyone who might possess them to sell or lend them to us so that we can make copies. The photographs and pictures archive will be permanently displayed at Erjavčeva mountain hut.

How the road to Vršič was build

We kindly ask all those who can assist us to contact us.
Erjavčeva mountain hut, situated in Slovenia’s picturesque landscape, boasts a rich history dating back to its establishment in 1901. After being renowned by Slovenian mountaineers, Erjavčeva mountain hut has served as a sanctuary for over a century for hikers, mountaineers, and nature enthusiasts.

Originally constructed as a shelter for mountaineers exploring the Julian Alps, Erjavec Lodge has witnessed numerous changes throughout its existence. From surviving World War I and II to enduring various renovations and expansions, the lodge stands today as a symbol of resilience and tradition.

Over the years, Erjavčeva mountain hut has witnessed countless adventures, stories, and moments captured in photographs. To preserve its rich heritage, efforts are underway to collect and archive old photographs depicting the lodge and its surroundings. These photographs serve as windows to the past, offering glimpses into the lives and experiences of those who have traversed its paths and sought refuge within its walls.

Through the collective efforts of enthusiasts and supporters, the archive of old photographs at Erjavec Lodge aims to celebrate the legacy and spirit of this iconic landmark, ensuring that its history continues to inspire and captivate future generations.

The Russian Chappel on the way to Vršič pass

Old pictures and photographies of Erjavčeva mountain hut

Old pictures and photographies of Erjavčeva mountain hut

Accommodation in a mountain hut

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Trips and Hikes around the hut

Trips and Hikes on the map

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Slovenia (en)

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Erjavceva mountain hut at Vrsic pass in summer

Erjavčeva mountain hut is open the whole year. Reserve your stay and spend some time in the natural paradise of Triglav National Park (UNESCO) near Kranjska Gora on Vršič mountain pass in the heart of Triglav National Park.

Reserve your stay
https://www.erjavcevakoca.si/ Slovenščina https://www.erjavcevakoca.co.uk/ English https://www.erjavcevakoca.co.uk/ English https://www.erjavcevakoca.ba/ Bosanski https://www.erjavcevakoca.be/ Dutch https://www.erjavcevakoca.hr/ Hrvatski https://www.erjavcevakoca.cz/ Čeština https://www.erjavcevakoca.dk/ Dansk https://www.erjavcevakoca.nl/ Dutch https://www.erjavcevakoca.fi/ Suomi https://www.erjavcevakoca.fr/ Français https://www.erjavcevakoca.de/ Deutsch https://www.erjavcevakoca.hu/ Magyar https://www.erjavcevakoca.it/ Italiano https://www.erjavcevakoca.pl/ Polski https://www.erjavcevakoca.rs/ српски https://www.erjavcevakoca.sk/ Slovenčina https://www.erjavcevakoca.es/ Español https://www.erjavcevakoca.se/ Svenska https://www.erjavcevakoca.ch/ Deutsch

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Original price was: 20 €.Current price is: 14 €.
Original price was: 12 €.Current price is: 8 €.
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