Hanzova pot on Prisojnik

Hanzova pot on Prisojnik

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Hanzova pot on Prisojnik

Hanzova pot on Prisojnik

Hanzova pot on Prisojnik has been completely renovated, but only experienced individuals should embark on it.

Trail is long and demanding, as it covers 1350 meters of elevation, but offers one of the most beautiful views.

After being declared the best mountain trail last year, in need of renovation, one of the most splendid mountain trails leading from the Erjavčeva koča to Prisojnik has been renewed after nearly a year of work. Authorities warn that only experienced hikers should venture onto it.

One of the longest and most demanding Slovenian mountain trails, Hanzova pot, leading from Koča na Gozdu to Prisojnik or Prisank, has come to life in a new form. However, even though the trail is safer after renovation, it should only be ventured upon by experienced male and female hikers, emphasizes Jurij Videc, a trail maintainer from the Alpine Association of Slovenia and the leader of a team of six trail maintainers responsible for the renovation.

“Hanzova pot on Prisojnik is one of the longest and most demanding trails in the Julian Alps. To traverse it safely, one must be in suitable physical condition and ensure appropriate safety equipment. It is best to visit it during the summer when the days are longer, as even highly experienced male and female hikers will need significantly more than eight hours of walking, considering the return journey. Despite its difficulty, with numerous exceptional viewpoints, it is one of the most beautiful Slovenian mountain trails,” he stated.

The major part of last year’s renovation of the mountain trail took place in the autumn. Firstly, members of the Mountaineering Club Kranjska Gora and the Mountain Rescue Service Kranjska Gora conducted preparatory work, during which they cleared the path and removed two larger rocks. Subsequently, the team of trail maintainers from the Alpine Association of Slovenia took over the work. Due to weather conditions, they were unable to refurbish the section at the top of Prisojnik last year – this was then renovated in August this year. The renovation took place on demanding and exposed terrain throughout, making caution necessary at every step, as highlighted in the press release by Zavarovalnica Triglav, which funded the renovation.

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The hike to Prisank or Prisojnik via Hanzova pot, also known as the Hanz Trail, is an exhilarating adventure that takes you through some of the most breathtaking landscapes in the Julian Alps of Slovenia. Hanzova pot is named after the legendary mountaineer and guide, Jakob Aljaž, also known as “Hanz”.

The trail begins near the Vršič Pass, a picturesque mountain pass that offers stunning views of the surrounding peaks. From the trailhead, hikers embark on a challenging ascent that winds through rugged terrain and towering rock formations.

As you ascend along Hanzova pot, you’ll be treated to sweeping vistas of the Julian Alps and the verdant valleys below. The trail meanders through alpine meadows adorned with colourful wildflowers during the summer, while snow-covered slopes create a pristine winter wonderland during the colder seasons.

One of the hike highlights is the opportunity to traverse the Via Ferrata sections, where climbers can test their skills while navigating iron rungs and cables affixed to the rock face. These exhilarating passages provide a thrilling challenge and offer unparalleled views of the surrounding landscape.

As you continue along the trail, you’ll pass by crystal-clear streams, towering cliffs, and dramatic rock formations sculpted by the forces of nature. Watch for wildlife, such as chamois, ibex, and eagles, which inhabit these rugged mountains.

After a challenging ascent, hikers reach the summit of Prisank or Prisojnik, where they are rewarded with panoramic views that stretch as far as the eye can see. The jagged peaks of the Julian Alps pierce the sky, while the valleys below lie bathed in a sea of greenery.

At the summit, hikers can take a moment to savour their achievements and soak in the awe-inspiring beauty of the surrounding landscape. Whether you’re an experienced mountaineer or a casual hiker, the hike to Prisank or Prisojnik via Hanzova pot offers an unforgettable adventure that showcases the raw and untamed beauty of the Slovenian Alps.

“Since we assembled a well-coordinated team, everyone knew their tasks: a part of the team was responsible for transporting materials and tools, two members handled the finishing, and two managed the installation. First, we worked on the section above the junction for the Kopiščarjeva pot under Turn, then we moved into the gully where we shifted the trail vertically before the snowfield. Next was the restoration of the lower section above the sign for Hanzova stena, where we also replaced the original pitons and the steel cable dating back to 1926. All of this was completed last year. This year, we finished the work by improving the section at the top of Prisojnik,” described Jurij Videc, the progress of the renovation.

On the trail that received the most votes from hikers in last year’s selection for the best mountain trail, trail maintainers replaced 90 meters of steel cable, 25 rope pitons, and 2 step pitons. Additionally, they installed 10 new double-step pitons and 14 ladder pitons.

As mentioned, Hanzova pot, where hikers must overcome an elevation difference of 1350 meters, was renovated under the framework of the “Best Mountain Trail” selection, a collaboration between the Alpine Association of Slovenia and Zavarovalnica Triglav (Triglav Insurance). The Alpine Association selects the trails in need of renovation, and then hikers and mountaineers vote for the one they consider the most beautiful or in greatest need of renovation.

This year, the most votes were given to the trail that stretches between the peaks Brana and Planjava. Supported by Zavarovalnica Triglav, seven trail maintainers from the Mountaineering Club Kamnik, including members of the technical team of trail maintainers from the Alpine Association of Slovenia, will be responsible for its renovation. On this highly popular and well-visited mountain trail, according to current conditions, they are expected to refresh the markings along the entire trail and replace safety devices on exposed sections in the following year, as communicated by the insurance company.

Below, you can see photos of the renovation. Photo: Grega Eržen.

Source: https://www.rtvslo.si/zabava-in-slog/ture-avanture/planinski-izlet/hanzova-pot-na-prisojnik-dokoncno-obnovljena-a-nanjo-naj-se-podajo-le-izkuseni/679641


Disclaimer: While Erjavčeva koča (Erjavčeva mountain hut) and the surrounding area offer breathtaking scenery and exciting outdoor opportunities, it’s important to remember that winter mountain environments can be unpredictable and potentially hazardous. Visitors should exercise caution, be adequately prepared with appropriate gear and equipment, and stay informed about weather conditions and avalanche risk. The information provided here is intended as general guidance and inspiration only. Erjavčeva koča does not assume responsibility for the safety of individuals who explore the area based on the provided recommendations. Visitors should use their best judgment and take personal responsibility for their safety while enjoying winter activities in the Julian Alps.

Accommodation in a mountain hut

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Erjavceva mountain hut at Vrsic pass in summer

Erjavčeva mountain hut is open the whole year. Reserve your stay and spend some time in the natural paradise of Triglav National Park (UNESCO) near Kranjska Gora on Vršič mountain pass in the heart of Triglav National Park.

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